Mobile app quality assurance is vital to the success of your app. Without it, you have no way of telling if your app will cause problems for users. We've written about the importance of this in a previous blog post.

When you engage an app development company you want to make sure that they not only have quality assurance in place, but they have implemented a vigorous and robust mobile app quality assurance process.

Our mobile app quality assurance process in Tapadoo is not just confined to testing. It is a mindset, a culture, that continually views quality as our primary goal. We are sanctimonious advocates of app quality assurance. The success of your app means everything to us.

Our QA process is so robust that we've received feedback from clients who have given the app to external testers to test and it has come back with full marks.

The infographic attached will give you an insight into our QA process for testing mobile apps.

App Quality Control. Infographic of app quality control at Tapadoo

Thanks for reading the Tapadoo blog. We've been building iOS and Android Apps since 2009. If your business needs an App, or you want advice on anything mobile, please get in touch